[english ver.] 98doci overseas delivery service information NOTICE - 98도씨



[english ver.] 98doci overseas delivery service information

작성자 98도씨(ip:)

작성일 2020-12-29 17:59:32

조회 112231

평점 0점  

추천 추천하기


상품준비 완료일로부터 2주내에 추가 배송비 입금이 확인되지 않는 경우

주문건 자동 취소처리되오니, 꼭 참고하시어 안내 메일 확인 부탁드립니다:-)

*The day the package is ready to be sent, an email will be sent regarding the additional delivery fee.

You will have 2 weeks to send the additional delivery fee.

If the additional delivery fee is not received during the 2 weeks, the package will automatically be cancelled.



1.주문서 작성시, 꼭! 아래와 같이 수령자 주소지를 98도씨 주소로 주문해주세요.

1. When completing the order, please make sure to input 98doci’s address in the recipient box. 

address▶서울 특별시 성동구 용답동 235-8, 6층

number▶ 98도씨콜센터 (070-4237-7726)


2.결재 완료 후 ,Q&A게시판(해외배송 게시판)에 필요한 정보를 기재해주세요.

2. After the payment has been completed,

please click on the Q&A notice board(overseas delivery notice board) and fill in the required information.


국가명/성함/해외 연락처/ 우편번호/상세주소지/ 이메일주소/배송 특이사항(요청사항)

Country/Name/Phone number/ Zip code/Address/Email/Any additional request

*Please make sure to send this information in 1 hour


3.상품이 모두 준비되면, 98도씨에서 무게를 측정하여 기재해주신 이메일로 해외 배송비를 안내해드립니다.

3. When the order is ready to be sent, 98doci will check the weight of the package

and will send the additional delivery fee information to your email.


4.해외배송비 입금이 확인되면 영업기준일 1~2일 이내로 EMS발송됩니다.

모두 정상적으로 출고되면, 이메일로 배송정보를 안내해드리겠습니다.

4. After we get confirmation on the additional delivery fee, an EMS will be sent out in the next 1~2 business days.

If there are no errors, an email with the details of delivery will be sent out.



If you have any further questions, please post it on our website’s notice board and we will reply as soon as possible.

Thank you for supporting 98doci!



비밀번호 입력후 수정 혹은 삭제해주세요.

댓글 수정




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